COLTON BROADWATERjason2019-07-22T19:29:29+00:00 COLTON BROADWATER Colton Broadwater is a vending specialist and was hired in 2017. During his off...
MARK SHELDONjason2019-07-22T21:07:25+00:00 MARK SHELDON In 2018, Mark Sheldon was hired at Industrial Supply as a VMI driver in...
CAMERON HOLLEYjason2019-07-22T21:08:25+00:00 CAMERON HOLLEY Cameron Holley began working at Industrial Supply in 2018. He is a VMI driver...
JEN HACKNEYjason2019-07-22T21:08:50+00:00 JEN HACKNEY Jen Hackney started working at Industrial Supply in 2018. She has experience in the...
ELLEN ODSONjason2019-07-22T21:09:20+00:00 ELLEN ODSON Ellen Odson is the VMI sales lead in Gillette, WY. She was hired in...
SONIA PEREZ-SROKAjason2019-07-22T21:10:17+00:00 SONIA PEREZ-SROKA Sonia Perez-Sroka was hired in 2018 as a material handler for the Northrop Grumman...
CHARLIE CHIDESTERjason2019-07-22T21:11:14+00:00 CHARLIE CHIDESTER Charlie Chidester was hired on at Industrial Supply in 2008. He currently is part...
TYLER KAPjason2019-07-22T21:12:33+00:00 TYLER KAP Tyler Kap is a VMI driver and was hired on in 2017. He is...
ZEBADIAH BLACKjason2019-07-22T21:13:04+00:00 ZEBADIAH BLACK In 2017, Zebadiah Black was hired as a VMI driver for Industrial Supply. Previous...
PENNY ELLISjason2020-02-19T20:52:43+00:00 PENNY ELLIS Penny Ellis comes to Industrial Supply with manufacturing experience. She began working at Industrial...