Phil Thompson has spent his career with the family-owned Industrial Supply Company, where he has served as its CEO, and, since 1978, has been its Chairman. Under his leadership, the nationwide trade publication Industrial Distribution designated the company as one of the four outstanding distributors of the past 100 years. Phil has twice been nominated for the prestigious Entrepreneur of the Year, and in 2018, he earned a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Industrial Supply Association.
Phil is a Total Quality expert and Lean Enterprise advocate. He has served as the Chairman of the Economic Development Corporation of Utah, which works to create jobs and investment in the state. Throughout his career, Phil has been an active member of Utah’s business community. He has also worked as a mentor for the Utah Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity to help minority businesses become 8-A Certified. He was a founding member and chairman of the Utah Chapter of Young Presidents, a global leadership community. He also founded the Watchman Forum, an early warning service that monitors extreme Islam in the Middle East and around the world.
Phil has been an active member on many Boards of Directors, including those of the Industrial Supply Association, Wells Fargo Bank, the Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce, The Country Club in Park City, the Christian Center of Park City, The University of Utah Crimson Club, the National Ability Center, the YMCA, the Salt Lake Junior Chamber of Commerce, and the Governor’s Council for Health and Physical Fitness (founding member).
Currently Phil serves on the board of BASE Institute, Biblical Archeology Science and Exploration. He is also a Co-Founder of the Global Mandela Leadership Movement for Change.