Written by Shawn Newell, Vice President of New Business Development
Resilience is at the core of Industrial Supply Company’s DNA.
From the time our founder, Rudy Orlob, began his quest to provide necessary products to underserved customers, to today’s Industrial Supply Company, where service is still a major part of who we are, Industrial Supply has always and will continue to exude resilience.
The company was resilient through the almost 10 years of the Great Depression, through the loss of key industries, customers and the rise of recessions. Industrial Supply has navigated economic storms that left many companies our same size waning and/or in recovery. The loss of major steel companies, and changes in the aerospace industry including major acquisitions, have tested the company's ability to maintain excellent service in a constantly shifting environment. When big mine companies were struggling in the eighties, Industrial Supply’s ability to be flexible allowed us to strategically diversify our customer base. This stood as a means to once again overcome a manufacturing economy that, at the time, could cripple a less resilient company.
Resiliency has allowed this company to grow and thrive. As our customers morph and shift, Industrial Supply continues to illustrate to our peers, industry and customers that we are not just your average supplier, but an entity that thrives on its ability to serve customers in a sustainable fashion, that creates lasting and trusted relationships.
Many competitors strive to infiltrate Utah’s booming economy, wanting to savor a piece of this diverse market, but through Industrial Supply's excellent customer service and extensive market knowledge, we've made it tough for them to gain a footing. Continued innovation, brighter minds and a steadfastness to the mission will keep Industrial Supply relevant to an ever-changing customer base.
Internal disruptions have also not been able to find a foothold. Industrial Supply has shown its resilience through an ERP (enterprise resource planning) disruption, the retirement of key personnel, and a changing of the managerial guard.
The people of Industrial Supply have proven their resilience in operating within a culture that values meritocracy while striving to embody inclusive practices. Industrial Supply’s employees have embraced new opportunities with a pride and vigor that will no doubt energize the company to keep on its path of growth through the next ten decades.
When we look at the next generation of leaders in this company, we see the stage being set for the ability to remain resilient, as Industrial Supply enters a new era.
So, you see, Resilience really is at the core of Industrial Supply Company’s DNA.
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