We began our business serving mining and other industries that have helped keep Utah running.
Today, we continue our support of energy and mining with our membership in the Utah Mining Association.
Mining supports the very foundation of our economy. From the stone and gravel used to build roads and lay foundations for homes and buildings, to coal and uranium used to generate more than half of the nation's electricity, to the copper wire that connects billions of computers to a global social and commercial network, our economy and way of life depend on the vital resources provided by mining.
The Utah Mining Association (UMA), established in 1915, helps to promote and protect the mining industry. UMA provides its members with full-time professional industry representation before the State Legislature; various government regulatory agencies on the federal, state and local levels; other associations, and business and industry groups.
Education in mining and minerals is encouraged to further the understanding of the role this critical industry and its products play in people's lives, and to foster a spirit of community cooperation.